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Review what I have

How Can We Help?



Starting with Guidance Focused on You(TM), whether or not you’re close to retirement, you will have an in-depth discussion with a One to One professional about your situation, desires and mix of retirement resources. The combination of your Success Story and our experience will provide a Personalized plan. You’ll find out about offerings from our vast array of providers and programs that meet your unique needs and create your pathway to and through retirement.




Over time, you may have accumulated a mix of accounts and employer plans, creating a confusing and unwieldy financial picture. Together with your One to One professional, you’ll review each account to determine all of your options and what may be beneficial, or whether some might better serve you as they are. Because we start with
Guidance Focused on You(TM), this process is aimed first, last and foremost at making choices that are in your best interest.  

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Upcoming inheritance 

When a loved one dies, a great deal of confusion can ensue.  Consider your One to One professional as a trusted advisor able to provide guidance throughout the estate settlement process.  You may already know that you will be receiving an inheritance. Before that happens, sit down with a One to One professional to discuss options for the money and walk through any questions or challenges you are facing.



Existing Annuities

You may have an old annuity that you no longer understand, may not fit your future needs and may be costing unnecessary fees. Your One to One professional is an annuity specialist and has resources to research and intimately understand long-forgotten annuity contracts.  Together, you’ll review the annuity program, its structure, how it grows and distributes assets, and whether it fits into your financial picture. If not, then you’ll be presented with options that might better meet your needs.  Because we operate from a Guidance focused on You, this process is aimed first, last and foremost at making choices that are in your best interest. In other words, “This annuity contract is great. I wouldn’t touch it.” is a possible reply.



Existing Investments

You may have investments that are badly in need of review.  Perhaps you bought or inherited them long ago and are now wondering how they fit into your financial picture.  Your One to One professional can review these investments, explaining each one and, if necessary, calling upon our vast array of providers and programs to recommend changes that would be beneficial.  This process is aimed first, last and foremost at making choices that are in your best interest.


Employer Plans

Understand my Employer Benefits

When you began working for your current employer, things moved quickly and you may not have had time to focus on understanding the full breadth of employee benefits being offered.  Who could be a better choice than a One to One professional to help you understand the benefits you have, align them with your other accounts and create a unified plan encompassing your individual and workplace investments?  Because One to One Financial Advisors has been in the business of designing and running employer plans for over 30 years, we understand them intimately.  And because we operate from a Guidance Focused on You(TM), this process is aimed first, last and foremost at making choices that are in your best interest.


Financial Plan

Full Financial Plan

We will help you to Build your Success Story, as well as the Financial Plan to fund it.  A Financial Plan is a living, evolving strategy that is comprehensive in nature, taking into account all members of your household, all aspects of personal and professional assets and income streams, multiple objectives bounded by numerous timeframes and the many elements of your own Success Story.  The planning process is electrifying.  Your One to One professional will coordinate efforts involving your accountant and attorney to create a plan that is bolstered by the necessary legal and tax structures.



Tax Planning

Although One to One Financial Advisors doesn’t provide tax or legal advice, we can help you to understand how the different investment tax structures (Tax-Advantaged, Tax-Deferred, Taxable) work, and what options might make sense in your situation.  If you’d like, we can work with your accountant to provide input so that your investments tax structures may better aligned and integrated with your overall accounting and tax objectives.  If this integration is done as part of developing a larger financial plan, then your One to One professional can coordinate efforts involving your accountant and attorney to create a strategic plan that includes the necessary legal and tax structures.

Wills, Trusts

Estate Issues

Wills, Trusts and estate Issues

​Although One to One Financial Advisors doesn’t provide tax or legal advice, we will work with your own attorney to ensure that your investments, legal structures such as wills and trusts are aligned.  If this integration is done as part of developing a larger financial plan, then your One to One professional will coordinate efforts involving your accountant and attorney to create a plan that is bolstered by the necessary legal and tax structures.


What I Have

Compare What I Have​

Your One to One professional holds some of the highest levels of financial representative licenses credentials, You can leverage our experience and resources by engaging us to review all your financial holdings investments, explaining each one and, if necessary, calling upon our vast array of providers and programs to recommend changes that may be beneficial. Because we start with Guidance Focused on You(TM), this process is aimed first, last and foremost at making choices that are in your best interest.

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